Dr. Howard C. Mandel, MD
Dr. Howard C. Mandel, MD, FACOG, is a practicing Obstetrician Gynecologist who has dedicated his life to the practice of high-quality health care and assuring access to such care. To this end, Howard’s extensive leadership in political advocacy and his education of the public has spanned over 35 years. He has held positions and chaired Board of Directors of several not-for-profit and educational institutions, served on advisory panels and councils, and has received recognition for his leadership locally, statewide and nationally.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Howard received his degrees from The Johns Hopkins University and New York University School of Medicine. His exposure early on to the medical care of the indigent at both Johns Hopkins Hospital and Bellevue Hospital bonded him to the defense of those who could not help themselves. As a volunteer at the Saban (Los Angeles) Free Clinic for three decades, Howard has advocated for equal access to health care for women, children, the homeless and the working poor.
Howard currently advises Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Warner on health care policy. He also serves as the President of the City of Los Angeles Health Commission. He has advised the House of Representatives serving on the National Physician’s Council for Health Care Policy and has previously served on “Obama for America Health Policy Advisory Committee”. He was a National Co-Chair of Run Biden 2016 and was an advisor to Vice President Biden on health care issues during his 2007/2008 presidential campaign.
Likewise, he has served on several local and statewide governmental advisory panels, assisting Assembly members Burt Margolin, Barbara Friedman, Susan Davis, Wally Knox and Paul Koretz. He was an early supporter of Governor Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign, a member of the “Dean’s List” and a founder of “Doctors for Dean”. He later was one of three founders of “Doctors for Kerry” and served on the then California Attorney General, Kamala D. Harris’ “Smart on Crime” Health Committee.
In addition to teaching and lecturing on topics such as Ob/Gyn Emergencies, Umbilical Cord Blood Banking, Menopause, Women’s Health and Health Care Economics, he has appeared as an expert on numerous television news and informational programs on NBC, ABC, CNN, KTLA, KCOP, E! Entertainment and UPN, and has made appearances on The Dennis Miller Show, The Mo Show, Strange Universe, Borderline and Medically Incorrect.
Howard has been recognized for his leadership and public service by the State of California, County and City of Los Angeles, The Johns Hopkins University (Distinguished Alumnus Award 2015), Jhpiego (The Elyse Bila Ouedraogo Award 2015), The Oakwood School (Charles Haas Award 2011), Temple Israel of Hollywood (2007), the Saban (Los Angeles Free) Community Clinic (Lenny Somberg Award-1996 and Leo D. Fields Volunteer Award-1996), Los Angeles Committee on Philanthropy (1995), and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (President’s Community Service Award 1994), American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (1985), Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Leo G. Rigler Award 1985), New York University School of Medicine (Frederick C. Holden Prize 1981 and the James Constantine Award 1981). Most recently he was selected as one of the Top Three Gynecologists in Los Angeles by Threebest related.com.
Currently Howard is a member on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Saban (Los Angeles Free) Community Clinic, WomenStrong International, Big Sunday, the UCLA School of Nursing Dean’s Advisory Board and he Chairs the International Advisory Board of Jhpiego. He also serves on as the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Advisory Board and her School of Education’s National Advisory Council. He has previously served on the Boards of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University, of Temple Israel of Hollywood, Oakwood School and the Boards of Directors of Century City Hospital and the Los Angles Free Clinic and its Hollywood Endowment Corporation as well as the Los Angeles Advisory Board of Children Now. He has served on the Performance Improvement Committees of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Century City Hospital and Century City Doctor’s Hospital. He was the Chairman of Surgery as well as Chief of Gynecology at Century City Doctor’s Hospital and served twice in that role at Century City Hospital. He represented Century City Doctor’s Hospital to the American Medical Association, California Medical Association and the Los Angeles County Medical Association and previously did the same for Century City Hospital.
Howard lives in Los Angeles with his wife Dr. Susan Mandel and has two children, Spencer, age 34 and Mallory 32.